Unbecoming is an immersive self-healing course, where you will unlearn old patterns, old ways of being, old truths.

We will strip back the layers, one at a time.

So you can stop living in pain or illness. Stop living in fear or anxiety. Stop feeling stuck.

Unbecome who you THOUGHT you were, so you can remember who you REALLY are.

So you can hear the whispers of your soul.

Reconnect with your true authentic self, and start living the life you were always meant to live...a life of love, joy, vitality 💖

Divine Timing! I'm IN!!!

This self-paced 7 module self-healing course covers various wellness topics from mindset, nutrition, movement, environment, spirituality and energy.

In each module, you won’t just be learning, but you will be reconnecting to your inner truths. Through the knowledge, tools and inner guidance, you will be empowered to embody a life of joy, healing, love and abundance.

This is your birthright ✨

It’s time to say YES to the real YOU 💖

This experience is for you if...

You have an inner knowing, a deep feeling, that you are here for more, to do more, to be more.

✨ You are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired but struggle to find a way to feel healthy, both physically and mentally.

✨ You find yourself frustrated with the state of your life, society or the world.

✨ The things you used to do, believe, no longer seem to align.

✨ You feel disconnected from yourself and the people around you.

✨ You’ve hit a plateau in your wellness, personal or business journey, and you are struggling to break through it.

✨ You get along great with most people, but often feel like the odd one out.

✨ You feel like you've tried everything and you don't know where to turn next.

✨ You're ready to finally free yourself from the constraints of a conditioned lifestyle, truly connect with yourself and begin to expand into your true power.

If ANY of these sound like you,
you’re a perfect fit for this course!

The Unbecoming Course

✨  A beautiful kick-off call with an expansive guided meditation.

✨  7 modules/capsules of unlearning & reconnecting to self. Learn new behaviours and teachings that will support you in shifting your current behavioural patterns and reality. 

✨  7 beautiful workbooks to help you dive deeper into your self awareness and integrate new soul aligned & healing rituals.  

✨  7 guided meditations to help you tap further into your subconscious and reconnect to your higher self.

✨  Access to my Rise Up Sisterhood, to connect with other souls on their healing journey. 

✨  My transformative Healing Old Beliefs Meditation, to help you shift limiting beliefs and create empower new beliefs.



It’s time to strip back all the layers of conditioning - from society, your upbringing and previous lifetimes.

✨  You will learn about and release old conditioning that no longer serves you.

✨  You will remove the layers that have been dimming your light and draining your energy.

✨  You will learn how to reconnect to your true self, your true nature.

✨  You will establish new truths, connect to your own inner truths and be given the tools to help you take new aligned actions.

✨  You will learn how to nourish your mind, body and soul.

✨  You will establish the rituals needed to start healing your mind, body and soul in a balanced, holistic approach that will rapidly shift every aspect of your life.

✨  You will start healing your relationship with your mind, body and soul.

✨  You will learn tools and modalities to help you continue on your mind, body and soul healing journey.

It’s time to unbecome everything you thought you had to be - and remember the divine version of you - the magical and limitless soul you already are.




How to recognize your existing thought patterns, how they were formed, how powerful they are, and how they could be impacting your current reality.

Tips and tools that you can use to release conditioning, reconnect to your true beliefs and take soul aligned actions to heal your mind.


What your existing relationship with food looks like, conditioning and whether your current beliefs and patterns are nourishing or harming your body.

Learn about high vibe supplements and how having them in your nutrition plan supports your mind, body and soul - especially in this day and age.


Change in your body happens through movement and movement has the power to heal.

Release conditioning and find balance in movement through self love and tuning into your body on a very deep level.


The layers of your environment, environmental toxins and why it's important to be aware of your environment and vibration.

How to honour your energy in all environments and why it is important, especially as an empath.


How trauma and soul wounds create blocks that you carry around with you which then effect all aspects of your life. 

Techniques and tools you can use to maintain spiritual hygiene, heal your soul wounds and lean into the expansion your soul is looking for in this lifetime.


Learn about your 7 energy centres, also known as your Chakras, where they are located and how they govern each part of your body.

Tools and tips you can use to keep your Chakras balanced and your energy high as you move through your days.



Melissa O'Shea

From a young age I had a strong inner knowing that the reality around me was not the way things were meant to be. I saw the world as a magical place full of love, but I didn’t know how to express that, or honour the magic I felt inside and around me.

I grew up suppressing my intuition, my abilities and a lot of the magic. The more I suppressed my gut feelings and my true self, the sicker I became and the more challenges I faced in my waking and subconscious life. Throughout my childhood, adolescence and 20s I struggled with many health ailments and mental illness.

In my late 20s, after 8 years of being sick every month, several mysterious ailments with no identified root cause, a final straw that brought 3 years of screening for MS, I hit my breaking point, or should I say my cracking open point. My dream and vision of becoming a mom and living a long healthy life with my family was crashing before my eyes.

When the world around me could not explain why my physical body was falling apart, I knew it was time to take my health into my own hands. Thus began my healing journey.

Diving into nutrition, I was able to start healing my physical body. Layer by layer, my symptoms disappeared and my connection to my purpose in life started to become more evident.

I took a massive leap into an online coaching business, which also added movement and teamwork back into my life. This pushed me outside of my comfort level in so many ways. Layer by layer, my body healed and so did life around me. I started to embody healing and expansion in everything I did. Supported by my amazing husband and my community, my business ventures led me to personal growth and development, something that was foreign to me.

My big dreams were manifesting right before my eyes. Before I knew it, I was a Mom to two beautiful souls, had left my full-time Government job to do my coaching business full-time, and we were living in our second house, one I saw in my dreams.

Eventually I hit another plateau. My business had stopped growing, my external life became chaotic and despite everything I tried, nothing was working. I hit another breaking point, this time with my mental health and personal identity. Having battled multiple mental illnesses since childhood, such as OCD, depression, sleep issues, anxiety and a major depressive episode, and being a psychology major I knew there was so much more power in the mind than one could explain.

Guided by my intuition, I leaned in to my body, my knowing and I asked questions to dig deeper. I ventured down my personal history to discover who I was at my core. One day, I cracked right open, starting my spiritual awakening journey. Flood after flood, my soul, my soul’s longing and history came right at me.

Without fear this time, I leaned in fully and embraced, honoured and truly enjoyed every part of my healing and expansion journey. I leaned into everything and all the magical healers and teachers that presented in my life to help me on this journey. To this day, it amazes me at everything I and my family have been through, overcome, healed and manifested. We are now living a full-time travel life, free from many of the systems and things that I pushed myself into, despite an inner knowing they didn’t align with my energy.

I am remembering who I am at my core, and for the first time in my life, I know and feel what it's like to truly start to love myself. Life has become such a blessing and I am grateful every day for every single bit of it, including the hard and painful stuff. Every moment is an opportunity, and I will never take that for granted again. Weaving this self healing, the soul healing, the self-love journey into the work I do with others, is a gift beyond words. And it would be an honour to work with, grow and heal with you.

Emma Smith

I started my healing journey many years ago in my late teens when I found myself dealing with anxiety and depression. As a student of psychology I knew what I was going through but I was in denial. I didn’t want to admit what I was dealing with because I was afraid I would be seen by others as weak. At that time anxiety and depression was not something that was talked about but it eventually got to the point that I had no other choice but to seek help.

My doctor diagnosed me and put me on an antidepressant. It was a mild dose but it was just enough for me to get a taste of what it means to feel happy. What an amazing reprieve from the darkness I had been living in. But I knew it wasn’t true happiness. True happiness doesn’t come in the form of a pill. But what that pill did for me was open a door of awareness. From that experience I knew that I wanted to be able to feel that level of happiness without needing medication to achieve it and so began my healing journey.

That was 22 years ago.

A lot has happened since then. I did find tools to help me battle my anxiety and depression, other than medication, and I worked with those tools in order to begin to heal my mind. I did well too. I felt better, happier, more alive and my life began to take shape the way I had always thought it would. I reconnected with my now husband when I was 25 and we started a family, having a son and then a daughter. It was literally a dream come true for me.

Then a year after my daughter was born I started to experience excruciating pain in my ankles and legs up to my knees and my wrists. This went on for 3 years before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It was a bitter sweet diagnosis, as I imagine many such diagnoses are. It came with the relief of finally knowing what was going on but the fear of knowing that there was no cure and that many with this diagnosis lived in pain for the rest of their lives. I did my best to not let it rule my life, which was easier some days than others, but as a whole I was very restricted when it came to physical activity.

My kids were 1 and 2.5 when the pain started and the worst part of it was not being able to play with them the way I wanted to. This continued for nearly 10 years. During that time I felt depressed multiple times. Frustrated that my body had given up on me. Annoyed that there were so few answers, no matter where I looked.

To add insult to injury, about 5 years into my fibromyalgia diagnosis I was also diagnosed with endometriosis. This was even more debilitating than the fibromyalgia because by the time I had gone through my cycle from start to finish I had about 1 good week out of the entire month. After about 3 years I had had enough and again I found myself on medication, this time to help with the endometriosis symptoms. And again I found myself wondering how I could actually heal myself instead of masking the issue with medication as I had so many years ago with my anxiety and depression. I knew I would eventually have the courage to do so but I needed some reprieve from the pain before I took on my next healing journey.

In 2019, a few months after I started the medication for the endometriosis I found an amazing woman online who was working out from home, helping other women on their health and fitness journey, and mentoring women to do the same. I knew I had to take a step toward taking better care of my body if I was going to stand a chance in my 40’s with fibromyalgia. The decision to join her group changed my entire life. Little did I know at the time that a decision I made to live a healthier life and begin to take care of my physical body, would lead to healing on so many levels.

After 2.5 years I have healed myself of fibromyalgia and in the last 4 months, as of the creation of this course, I have healed myself of endometriosis. It seems like something of a miracle. And sometimes I think it is. But when I really reflect on my journey over the last 2 years and the last few months I can see a common thread, a thread of self love. By making a decision to say yes to myself I gave myself permission to do so on so many levels - mind, body, and soul.

The life I am living now is that of my dreams not too long ago. The feeling of contentment and joy that I feel on a daily basis is utter bliss. I am watching my dreams become a reality before my very eyes. I have built an amazing relationship with myself and live to honour myself and my journey each and every day, creating space for me to be my most authentic, true self, enjoying and appreciating every moment I have with my loved ones. I am truly blessed. And this, this is what I want for you too.

The Journey

In the Unbecoming Course, you will be guided on a journey of unlearning and awakening to embody your true self.

This 7 capsule self-healing course will help you no matter where you are on your wellness and healing journey.

Imagine yourself on the other side…

✨  Living a life of purpose, with confidence, full of love, joy and abundance.

✨  With a deep connection to your higher self and your intuition, allowing you to live your truth authentically and with confidence.

✨  Healing physically, mentally and spiritually - energetically living a life full of vitality.

✨  Feeling fulfilled as your soul continues it's journey through expansion.

✨  Creating the life of your dreams through clear and focused intention.

✨  Feeling inspired and energetically aligned with your soul purpose.

✨  Finally excited for what your future is going to bring. Able to truly enjoy the journey as it unfolds before you.

✨  Looking forward to waking up every day and living your best life.

✨  Experiencing a deep appreciation, love and joy for being exactly where you are.



Sarah Spalletta

Unbecoming came at the divine time and I knew it would be life changing I didn’t realize how much so. I loved adding the practice of setting weekly intentions and seeing how that evolved with each capsule.

My thoughts have evolved from being self critical and anxious to feeling safe in knowing we are limitless! Emma & Melissa shared so many truths about our conditioning and how we’ve evolved to live draining stressful lives. It’s all by choice and we usually don’t even question it. Feeling so empowered after this experience to take control of my thoughts and energy, feed my body, and share what I’ve learned with my family and friends.

My #1 dream to move into a new home magically manifested during this course and I’m still in disbelief how easily it flowed to me. So grateful for this life changing awakening, and I know this is just the beginning to manifesting BIG things.

Caitlin Vifquain

Unbecoming really did manifest in my life through divine timing and I’m so grateful to be a part of it! The content alone was so activating, allowing me to grow and heal in the areas I was ready for, and have insight on what magic my future healing will lead to. It’s a course that truly meets you where you’re at!

The intimate community is also a blessing! The sacred space Melissa and Emma hold for us is unmatched and so supportive of our unique energy and needs. A beautiful balance of education, action inspiration, and sisterhood.

I’m definitely going to refer back to the content as I continue my path in healing + know I have the support of my soul sisters from the group.

Silvina Almeida

Joining Unbecoming was a blessing and a gift. This came into my life at a time where I felt loss and fear. This program is a beautiful guide that enabled me to see beyond these emotions and find peace, purpose and strength.

I am so grateful to Emma & Melissa for their honesty, kindness, insight and support. You have given me the courage and motivation to recognize and accept my true self. I am so honoured to have been part of this community and grateful to everyone that shared their journey.

Unbecoming will be a part of my discovery and healing well beyond this time we shared.

April Jones

I found out about unbecoming at a time I was already going through the start of healing and some big life changes.

Being able to walk through the whole process of unlearning and relearning new ways of thriving in my life with Melissa and Emma was a huge gift to myself.

Grateful to have the resources now to go back to and work through. They brought an incredible energy to help me navigate this process and empowered me to realize my own abilities.

I am beyond grateful to them and the incredible women I got to experience this journey with.

Becky Grann

Unbecoming was probably the best experience I’ve had. At a time when I needed something to help me heal from everything I have been going through. It was an unexpected experience that has changed how I'm walking into almost every day right now.

I'm not waiting for things to fall apart. I'm not waiting for the next shoe to drop. I'm taking back my life. I’m taking control of who I am and I’m not being apologetic for it anymore.

From the abused fractured scared woman, who was terrified and apologizing for who I am, not having the strength to be myself and hear my own voice or believe in myself.

Melissa and Emma have opened open up my heart, my soul and my mind. I'm so excited every day to see what I can overcome. I wouldn’t have changed any of this course or space for anything ever.

I went from having anxiety attacks every day, eating my nails and my fingers, and scratching my skin raw; to someone who painted their nails for the 1st time in probably 10 years. The confidence and happiness that I am experiencing right now is amazing and I wouldn't change it for anything!

Investment Options




Pay in Full


Regular $888

✨  7 modules - over 10 hours of video & teachings
✨  7 workbooks with journal prompts, exercises & more
✨  7 guided meditations
✨  Access to my Rise Up Sisterhood Community Group
✨  BONUS - Healing Old Beliefs Meditation & Practice


Two Monthly Payments


Regular $888

✨  7 modules - over 10 hours of video & teachings
✨  7 workbooks with journal prompts, exercises & more
✨  7 guided meditations
✨  Access to my Rise Up Sisterhood Community Group
✨  BONUS - Healing Old Beliefs Meditation & Practice

Terms & Conditions